
? ? ? ? ? Health & Physical Education (6) Study Abroad Study Abroad is to study at an overseas university with which the University has a credit-recognizing student exchange agreement. Credits earned at the Study Abroad university may be recognized as YGU credits if the designated requirements are fulfilled and credit transfer procedures are completed. Duration of Study Abroad is the period of time equivalent to either 1 or 2 semesters at iCLA. During Study Abroad, students are responsible for paying university fees at YGU, as well as accommodation expenses, food expenses, living costs, textbook fees, visa fees, travel expenses, overseas travel insurance, transportation expenses and other miscellaneous costs. Eligibility for the Study Abroad internal application is as follows: Year level Courses (required) Grades and Languages(recommended) 1 course from the 7 courses below (1 credit) ‘Health & Physical Education 1 (Nanba)’ ‘Health & Physical Education 1 (Aikido)’ ‘Health & Physical Education 1 (Judo)’ ‘Health & Physical Education 1 (Karate)’ ‘Health & Physical Education 1 (Shugendo)’ ‘Health & Physical Education 2 (Judo)’ ‘Health & Physical Education 2 (Karate)’ Students must be in their 2nd year or higher to apply, and typically apply for Study Abroad 2 semesters before starting the program. However, students may be permitted to apply for Study Abroad in their 1st year if they meet the criteria outlined below. Students must have already earned credits for, or be currently taking the following courses at the time they submit the internal application. In the latter case, failure to earn the required credits will result in the rejection of the application. Required Foundation Courses except ‘Graduation Research Project’ A Pathway Course from declared major area However, a student who enrolled in the EAE program for 2 or more semesters may submit an internal application without having registered for ‘Composition 2’. In this case, the student must register and earn credits for ‘Composition 2’ before Study Abroad. Students must satisfy all language and grades requirements specified by their Study Abroad university. Regardless of the requirements of the Study Abroad university, students are strongly recommended to meet the following criteria: English language proficiency: TOEFL ITP score of 550 or higher, iBT score of 78 or IELTS score of 6.0 (each subsection 5.5) or higher. Cumulative GPA of at least 2.0 at the time of internal application for Study Abroad. 21

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