
One-to-one career counseling from our faculty members is available to our students throughout their degree, and career support lectures aimed at developing skills and knowledge for job hunting in Japan are held annually. In our Career Design courses, students receive support from our faculty members who have extensive experience in career guidance, and students learn effective and practical skills that prepare them for employment after graduation. Career Design courses help students better understand their own strengths, skills, and career interests; building on the Critical, Creative, Independent and Global mindset nurtured at iCLA to identify what career they want to pursue, as well as the steps to achieving that career goal. iCLA also supports students in finding internship opportunities. By participating in an internship, students can gain practical experience relevant to?their interests.“iCLA truly supported me in discovering my dream career in finance. iCLA’s curriculum covers a wide range of subjects, from economics to performing arts. Through exploring those courses, I was able to discover my interest in my chosen career. Moreover, the professors, students (including exchange-students), and admin staff are always willing to talk and share their academic and professional experiences. These interactions helped me understand better the real aspects of working life. Our Career Design course also taught me how to find my passion, suitable jobs that fit with that and how to prepare to earn those jobs. My economics professors also helped me assess the companies I wanted to apply to and find out further information about them. Their?advice has been invaluable.In addition to my first internship at FUSO Academy, part of Mitsubishi Fuso Truck and Bus Corporation, my second internship at Aristagora Financial Advisors really helped to shape my career path. My?professors supported me in evaluating this opportunity and preparing for my interview. After?starting their internship program I?was quickly taught plenty of useful skills and professional knowledge. Aristagora is a boutique financial firm, so I was able to challenge myself with many different tasks. I could see myself maturing at work every day. Moreover, the firm offered me an international environment, which allowed me to apply and enhance the social skills I had?learned at iCLA.”Hue, Vietnam iCLA Graduate working in FinanceProviding students with the skills and knowledge to build their future career and preparing them for long-term success is one of our highest priorities. Our faculty and staff provide close support to students looking to explore their career prospects and expand their professional networks.10CAREER SUPPORT

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