
⊥ アルバイトについてPart-Time Job 駅璃悶圄嬉垢 Quy ??nh v? vi?c l┐m th┷mアルバイトをしたいrときは、Yし鯉かく翌がい試かつ咾匹υSきょ辛かが駅ひつ勣ようです。Yし鯉かく翌がい試かつ咾匹υSきょ辛かが賦しんせいしたいば栽あいは、忽こくHさい住こう送りゅうセンタ`に爐修φだんしてください。あく|しつなアルバイトBしょう初かい宀しゃに廣ちゅ吭ういしてください。Lふう没ぞく咾┐Iぎょうの糾みせでアルバイトをしてはいけません。ティッシュやチラシ塘くばりは裡きけんがいっぱいです。─跨Yし鯉かく翌がい試かつ咾匹Γ坪ない否よう々仝广ちょ恬さく悗韻鷏┐曚`い郡はん々仝廖じゅう肖きょ盃しん秘にゅう恟ざい々仝祇どう揃ろ住こう宥つう隈ほう`い郡はん々になってしまうことがあります。こ繁じんでアルバイトBしょう初かい創りょうをとるのは`い隈ほうです。Sきょ辛かされたrじgかんLしゅう28rじgかん參い坪ないを階ちょう^かしないでください。In order to be able to do a part-time job you must receive a work permission. If you would like to add on this permission, please come to the International Exchange Center.Beware of malicious part-time jobs introducers.Part-time jobs such as being involved at sexually explicit pubs, bars or any related business is not allowed.?Distributing tissues or flyers is a dangerous activity. It may result in ^activities outside the qualification ̄ of your status, ^violation of copyright law ̄, ^violation of residential burglary ̄, and ^violation of road traffic law ̄. Do not pay to someone for part-time job referral fees. Do not work overtime.??Do not exceed the permitted hours (within 28 hours per week). 67音勣繍低議廖峽才窮三催鷹御盆聴伏繁。音勣繍崕陝壓藻触、宗慎隠孛ぁ僥伏屬返字咢佩触処嚥麿繁。音勣聞喘麿繁議倖繁触泌Suica佚喘触吉泌趣欺麿繁議触萩繍凪住公少賀。音勣撹葎麿繁議販採佩川賜喨周議辺周繁嗤辛嬬淫根掲隈坪否。秘糾佩敗裕敗頁匯嶽冢嶷議係恟佩葎氏瓜駁幟竃廠賜僕秘酌囿。泌惚低店嬉糾埀/垢恬繁埀繍瓜篇揖農駿恟。泌覺鮃ぃ俶勣資誼嬉垢俯辛。┯弛躾賓菻鞠芝欺低議壓藻触貧。泌詆蠻覺鮃ば躾稗萩欺忽縞住送嶄伉徂儂。萩戻契具吭議垢恬初府繁埀。瓜冢鋤議嬉垢泌壓弼秤焼鋼、焼杏賜販採犢慴砧顱7慧勧汽賜崕渚議垢恬贋壓載謹欠奸S仗苗椹疽豎鼻験竃嬉垢塋俯袈律坪否々仝離郡广恬幡隈々仝秒干廖姙曝囃恟々仝離郡祇揃住宥隈々。倖繁辺函垢恬初府継頁離隈議。萩暦駅音勣階狛隈協嬉垢扮寂耽巓28 弌扮參坪。Kh?ng t┫y ti?n ??a cho ng??i kh│c th?ng tin v? ??a ch? hay s? ?i?n tho?i di ??ng.Kh?ng cho ng??i kh│c m??n ti?n, th? ngo?i ki?u, th? b?o hi?m, th? h?c sinh, ?i?n tho?i, th? ng?n h┐ng,..Kh?ng ???c s? d?ng v└ t┐u ??nh k? hay c│c lo?i th? c│ nh?n c?a ng??i kh│c. H?y tr━nh b│o c?nh s│t n?u b?n v? t━nh nh?t ???c nh?ng v?t tr┷n. Kh?ng ???c nh?n h┐ng h┏a gi┣p ng??i l?.?n c?p v?t l┐ h┐nh vi tr?m c?p, b?n c┏ th? nh?n │n t┫ ho?c b? tr?c xu?t v? n??c. N?u ?│nh nh?n vi┷n ph?c v?, b?n s? b? bu?c t?i c??p d┫ng v? l?c.Khi mu?n l┐m th┷m, b?n ph?i ??ng k? ^Gi?y ph└p l┐m th┷m ngo┐i t? c│ch ̄. H?y ??n v?n ph┛ng Kokusai n?u b?n mu?n ???c h??ng d?n ??ng k?.H?y c?nh gi│c v?i nh?ng ng??i m?i gi?i c?ng vi?c kh?ng l┐nh m?nh. Kh?ng ???c l┐m ? c│c c? s? kinh doanh d?ch v? gi?i tr┴ nh?y c?m.Kh?ng nh?n t? r?i hay kh?n gi?y ???c ph│t tr┷n ???ng. (B?n c┏ th? vi ph?m N?i quy l┐m th┷m, Lu?t v? b?n quy?n, X?m ph?m n?i c? tr┣, vi ph?m Lu?t giao th?ng ???ng b?)Vi?c c│ nh?n l?y ti?n m?i gi?i khi gi?i thi?u vi?c l┐m l┐ vi ph?m ph│p lu?t.Kh?ng l┐m qu│ th?i gian quy ??nh (kh?ng qu│ 28 ti?ng / tu?n).Do not tell your address and phone number to strangers. Do not lend money, the residence card, the health insurance card, student ID card, mobile phone, bank account, etc. to others.Do not use someone else¨s commuter pass or card. If you find it, hand it over to the police. Do not become a recipient of any luggage or mail for someone else.Shoplifting (stealing) is a serious crime and you could be deported or sent to jail. The same penalization applies if you hurt a store clerk/staff.?? ∠ こ繁じん秤じょう鵑曚Δ繁しょ隔じ瞳ひんについてPersonal Data and Belongings  駅璃悶圄倖繁佚連才倖繁麗瞳 V? th?ng tin v┐ v?t d?ng c│ nh?n岑しらない繁ひとに廖じゅう侭しょや亊けい。たいの桑ばん催ごうを縮おしえてはいけません。お署かね?壓ざい藻りゅうカ`ド?宗けん慎こう隠ほけん^しょう?僥がく伏せい^しょう?亊けい。たいでんわ?yぎん佩こう笥こう恙ざなどを麿た繁にんにJかしてはいけません。麿た繁にんの協てい豚きやカ`ドを聞つかってはいけません。カ`ドを憤ひろったら少けい賀さつに曙とどけましょう。麿た繁にんの塞に麗もつの鞭うけ函とり繁にんにならないでください。嵐まん哈びきは釣どろ允ぼうです。侈けい佞猖しょに秘いれられたり曜たい肇きょきょう崙せいになったりします。糾てんTいんを店なぐったりしたらごう義とう恟ざいにとわれます。

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