
芦あん畠ぜんな藻りゅう僥がく伏せい試かつのために66廖峽鳩協朔萩壓曾巓坪肇偏叨侭鞠芝低議仇峽旺賦萩忽酎宗慎隠嫂─M盂扮萩暦駅昧附亊揮壓藻触才忽酎宗慎隠孛ぁ喇噐晩云匳粗M喘掲械虻酷侭參膿倉秀咏昧附亊揮萩繍征侍蛍窃旺壓峺協晩飯征侍。 才巓律惣肖嬉孃柵諒挫。鋤峭寄蕗傀皐才崖綴蒙艶頁壓絡貧氏公巓律惣肖夛撹是氾。萩音勣壓巷慌住宥譜仏坪嬉窮三。涙胎頁杭択珊頁辺欺涛嗔奘嚥議徭佩概脅勣序佩契義鞠芝。恆便住宥号夸佩繁單枠。壓晩云佩繁壓祇揃嘔迦佩恠廿概才徭佩概壓祇揃恣迦佩併。曾繁慌核匯曽徭佩概頁離郡祇揃住宥隈議佩葎。焼朔楠徭佩概繍瓜棄俺。翌中爺菜扮勣嬉蝕徭佩概菊。聞喘貌窄瓜卿虹議徭佩概賜聞喘麿繁議徭佩概頁係恟佩葎。<葎阻鳩隠芦畠議藻僥伏試 >Sau khi thu┷ ???c nh┐, b?n ph?i ??n trung t?m H┐nh ch┴nh ??a ph??ng ?? ??ng k? ??a ch? c? tr┣ v┐ b?o hi?m s?c kh?e trong v┛ng 2 tu?n.Kh?ng qu┷n mang Th? ngo?i ki?u v┐ Th? b?o hi?m khi ?i ra ngo┐i. H?y ph?n lo?i r│c v┐ b? ?┣ng ng┐y thu r│c theo quy ??nh.Ch┐o h?i th?n thi?n v?i h┐ng x┏m, kh?ng g?y ti?ng ?n ??c bi?t l┐ v┐o ban ?┷m.Kh?ng n┏i chuy?n ?i?n tho?i tr┷n c│c ph??ng ti?n giao th?ng c?ng c?ng.C?n ho┐n t?t th? t?c ^??ng k? ch?ng m?t c?p ̄ cho d┫ ?┏ l┐ xe b?n mua hay xe b?n ???c cho.Tu?n th? lu?t l? giao th?ng, ?u ti┷n ng??i ?i b?.? Nh?t, ng??i ?i b? ?i l┐n ???ng b┷n ph?i, xe c? di chuy?n tr┷n l┐n ???ng b┷n tr│i.Ch? hai khi ch?y xe ??p l┐ vi ph?m lu?t giao th?ng ? Nh?t.Kh?ng l│i xe khi say x?n.B?t ?┬n xe khi l│i xe v┐o ban ?┷m.S? d?ng xe ??p c?a ng??i kh│c l┐ ph?m ph│p.C?m nang cho cu?c s?ng du h?c an to┐n‐歌深Y創1/ 壓ざい藻りゅうカ`ド式および宗けん慎こう隠ほけん^しょうについてResidence Card   駅璃悶圄壓藻触才宗慎隠孛ぁQuy ??nh v? Th? ngo?i ki?u廖じゅう侭しょがQきまったら、2Lしゅうgかん參い坪ないに廖じゅう酎みん鞠とうhろくと忽こく酎みん宗けん慎こう隠ほけんを賦しんせいしてください。翌がい竃しゅつには、壓ざい藻りゅうカ`ドと宗けん慎こう隠ほけん^しょうを梨わすれないでください。After you confirm your address, please go to the city hall to register your address and apply for the National Health Insurance card within 2 weeks Do not forget to bring your Residence Card and the National Health Insurance Card always with you. 晩にち械じょう伏せい試かつにおけるマナ`とル`ルについてDaily Life Manners & Rules  駅璃悶圄晩械伏試嶄議撰卩才号夸 C│c quy t?c ?ng x? h?ng ng┐y ゴミは蛍ぶんeべつしてQきめられた晩ひに里垢討討ださい。ご除きん侭じょの圭かたに阿あい湶さつをしてください。匚よるの寄おお蕗ごえ?Xそう咄おんは除きん侭じょ痴めい雌わくです。巷こう慌きょう住こう宥つうCきvかん坪ない\のり麗ものでの宥つうわはマナ``い郡はんです。Make sure to separate the garbage correctly and throw it away on the days decided in your residential area.Be respectful to neighbors and do not be noisy especially at night.??To call with the cell-phone on public transportation is a violation of manners. 徭じてんしゃについてRegarding the bicycles 駅璃悶圄徭佩概 Li┷n quan ??n xe ??p徭じてんしゃをIかったrときや嗔とも_だちにBもらったrときは、契ぼう係はん鞠とうhろくする駅ひつ勣ようがあります。住こう宥つうル`ルを便まもって、iほ佩こう宀しゃをゆう枠せんしましょう。晩に云ほんは、繁ひとは嘔みぎ、くるまは恣ひだりです。屈ふた繁り\のりは祇どう揃ろ住こう宥つう隈ほう`い郡はんです。徭じてんしゃでもいん焼しゅ\うんてんで俺つかまります。翌そとが圧くらくなったら、ライトをオンにします。麿た繁にんの徭じてんしゃを聞つかうのは係はん恟ざいです。Either if you buy or receive a bicycle, you have to register it.?Always respect traffic rules and be careful with pedestrians.??Pedestrians walk on the right side of the road, while automobiles drive on the left side. Two people riding on the same bicycle is not allowed. Riding a bicycle while being drunk is a crime.? Turn on the head lights when it gets dark outside.? Do not take others bicycle, it is a crime.?? For Your Safe Overseas Study

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